3d Lenticular Software.rarl
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The usual way of creating a lenticular effect from a real photograph is to duplicate it using the frame of the camera lens. You do this by using the Duplicate your photo from the camera lens tool of the lenticular software.
convert source.jpg -alpha off -gravity south -flatten -resize 2175x0 -crop 2175x0+0+0 -quality 80 -compose Multiply -composite output.jpg
The -flatten option creates a black and white image with no colour in the transparent areas. This is because the camera lens has no colour and the colour layer has no transparency. You can’t see colour in the transparent areas so it doesn’t affect the appearance of the lenticular effect. The image must be 2175 pixels wide and 0 pixels tall so ImageMagick knows the exact positioning required. You need to convert the source to the ‘JPG’ format so that there is a unique ID number to describe the image when it is saved as a PDF file. The -resize option reduces the size to the required pixels. The -crop option crops the original image so that it is 2175 pixels wide and 0 pixels tall.
The area outside the lenticules is a mirror, so only the image information of thelenticular sheet is transmitted into the viewing space. The image informationin the lenticular sheet comprises N sub-images. This information iscomposed into a lenticular image by each sub-image being shifted by the distance betweena lenticule and the adjacent lenticule. The pitch of the lenticular sheet,and hence the pitch of the lenticular image, is determined by the interpitch distance between the lenticules.
It is clear from inspection of the lines that the final lenticular image isthree times the width of the original sub-images. Note that even though thefinal image is three times wider that it still has the same number of sub-images in it. If the sub-images werethe same size, the final image would have four times as many sub-images.So it is clear that the quality of the lenticular print is determined bythe quality of the individual lenticular images, and not by the number oflenticular images.
The lines reveal that each sub-image is enlarged by a factor of 3. The verticalpitch of the final image, and hence the pitch of the final lenticular image,is determined by the interlenticule pitch. The absolute height (from thebottom of the image) of the final image is determined by the height ofthe sub-images. The final image height is not specified by theheight of the lenticular sheet but is determined by the distance between thelenticules.
To get there you can work from the original RGB data you got when you delivered the images to your client, or you can just use the colour stripingadd-on package (make sure it has the 'lenticulus' add-on) that comes with the Infinity software.
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