Guiding principles of any present or future Phone Number List project of anti-capitalist emancipation, since they constituted realities, not mere words, argues that the non-libidinal economy arises from the abolition of private property in the framework of the transformation of production relations. These egalitarian relationships not based on the extraction of Phone Number List surplus value, on expropriation, nor on the demands of the market or profit, but on a general plan of satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of the common. Ontically transformed everyday life Phone Number List and culture at the time to come true in the Soviet context.
An economy of satisfaction of basic needs Phone Number List through collectively appropriated goods under equal conditions was established. In it, practices, services, objects and human activity in general were freed from the mediation of desire, to satisfy specific needs instead. Goods and services fulfilled their use value without the Phone Number List mediation of ghosts of desire based on exchange value. A pen, a car, a plate were objects with a use value, corresponding to the social function directed by an idea. This idea emanated from the very constitution and social function of Phone Number List the object, incorporating all the history and human relations that constitute it materially and spiritually.
Thus, the object took on a new ontic Phone Number List dimension, becoming incorporating all the history and human relations that constitute it materially and spiritually. Thus, the object took on a new ontic dimension, becoming incorporating all the history and human relations that constitute it materially and spiritually. Thus, the object took on a new ontic Phone Number List dimension, object , that is, an object that fulfills and materializes the idea of that object in general: pen, car, plate, and that takes on concreteness in relation to socially and historically Phone Number List established needs. It is as if each object embodied the Platonic ide.