Adobe, Intel, Microsoft Drop Critical Security Fixes
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SAP has dropped 17 security notes and updated 2. Among the fixed vulnerabilities the most critical one is an Improper Authentication vulnerability in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP and ABAP Platform that can be used to bypass protection against external calls.
Microsoft's May Patch Tuesday saw 55 security fixes compared to 108 tallied in the month of April. We are currently tracking 4 critical vulnerabilities, none of which are being exploited in the wild to the best of our knowledge and vendor communications.
- PACAF 1st/instituted CAIRS billing mgmt sys; set up 2 routers/16 accts--adv'd $7M AF proj/svd 2K man-hrs - PACAF ICS $4.4M projo; mng'd 65 fac install--svd 28K mx hrs/$900K yr...vital to Sq's '15 Von Karman awd- Patched 122 NIPR/12 SIPR sys terminals; installed/validated 1.5K+ security TCNOs--safeguarded $26M ntwk - Patched 17 systems; closed 210 critical vulns--secured DoD's authoritative climate DB/enabled 909 tailored products - Performed ASAB data backup proj; spt'd $140K srvr assets install/xfer'd 15 TB data--preserved C4I msn sys integrity - Permitted deployed units to track AOR weather patterns; aided flight scheduling; zero aircraft sorties missed - Phenomenal! Classified Msg Incident action team mbr; sanitized 6 systems & secured data--promote SrA BTZ!- Pilot'd VTC cable install; Install'd 3 drops--Enabl'd VTC capabilities for MSG conf room/Group CC's office - Piloted $239K WiFi project; installed 278 WAPs & infrastructure--enabled NASIC ldrs real-time intel access - Piloted anti-virus migration; protected 408 clients from malicious code/viruses--pushed 360 air tasking orders - Piloted RQS IT upgrd; devised plan/dplyd 20 sys--spt d $10M CSAR eqpt/PACAF's sole AD Guardian Angel - Piloted shared drive monitoring scripts; mng'd real-time NAS errors--reduced response time by 90% for critical alerts - Plann'd facility for airborne crypto trng; managed $200K equip--ensur'd comm for msn/trng to SOF air/ground forces - Point for $78K ITEC account/46 devices; provided mobile C2 capes-- ensured 100% accountability f/378 prsnl/8 FOBs - Point for $78K ITEC acct/46 devices; provided mobile C2 capes--ensured 100% accountability/494 prsnl/151 SITREPS - Premier Cyber SNCO! Led 13-mbr cyber tm/backbone of AF's only climo ctr--vital to Wg's 2015 OSWU Awd - Prepared/mng'd 3 classrooms/$2.1M equip/supplies; 100% accountability--ensured classroom material taught - Prepped base for SDC rollout; reprovisioned Office 2003 on network--Wing 1st in DoD to employ 2K systems - Primed Capstone War Gaming conf; deployed 170 sys/1K ft cable...rdy'd 20-yr nat'l def strategy/multi-net integration - Probed connectivity loss to pharmacy server; confirmed solution through manufacturer--limited outage to 6 hrs - Processed 5 classified msg incidents; rapidly applied sanitization procedures; protected network weapons sys - Processed emergency change; removed fax line from system--ensured voice line for support of downed aircraft - Procured $400K worth of High Frequency radio equipment--restored critical Command & Control to Air Operations Center- Procured $42K IT assets for the wg trng rm/SCOK; maintained TCNO compliant--prep'd for zero msn interrupt - Procured 3-day/$29K Web Sys Ops course; trained 20 mbrs/$15K TDY cost saved--sped DNI's next-gen cloud vision - Programmed LAN mgmt svr; automated 155 switch OS updates--enhanced work center efficiency...svd 428 man-hrs - Provided Communication RSOI brief-expertly tnd 170+ incoming deployers-enabled 100% deployer training success - Pulled 5 GSU's into 21st century; oversaw academics/admins/connectivity for 22 sites--mission capabilities doubled- Purged Hickam domain; removed 527 items/quarantines--reduced ntwrk vulnerability scan assignment by 20% - Purged unauthorized s/w; scanned/cleaned 81 sys/57.5K vulns--enforced Cyber Security...557 WW/CC's #1 priority! - Pwr'd JET IA msns; mng'd base data cntr/18 servers/14 ckts--fueled AFCENT's busiest APOD/sustained $31M ntwk 2b1af7f3a8