Know the competition. In many ways email list, marketing on the web is a lot like doing business in the brick and mortar world. In the offline world, the more significant competition email list that exists in a specific market, the less attractive that market is to new entrants. On the web it's no different, yet many marketers don't appreciate this email list. They see the huge amounts of money that some people are making in niches like weight loss, and they determine that those email list niches must be the best ones to enter.
Unfortunately, the amount of competition email list that exists in such super-concentrated niches means that it's nearly impossible email list for new entrants to make a dent unless they have huge budgets to work with. Instead of focusing on huge, highly concentrated markets, email list focus on niches with more space and less major competition, that also have strong upside potential for expan9on and solid earnings. There are a number of ways to filter email list potential niches by the amount of competition.
For instance, marketers who use ClickBank can filter their searches by gravity. Niches that have a wide variety of products with high gravities are probably very congested. Another great method for estimating completion is to use Google's Ad Words tools to research the cost of CPC advertising.