Long Dong Porn Movie
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Famed for the apparent size of his penis, reputedly 18 inches (46 cm),[1] he appeared in several pornographic movies in the UK and US during the late 1970s and early 1980s. Photographer Jay Myrdal said that although Silver "was immensely endowed ... a good nine or ten inches",[2] the penis featured in his porn shoots was faked. After at first using "complicated multi-exposure techniques" to enhance it in still photography,[3] Myrdal later persuaded Christopher Tucker, the makeup artist for the 1980 film The Elephant Man, to create a prosthetic. Myrdal described it as "very light, a very delicate foam latex sleeve that fit on over the cock, carefully glued down underneath by the pubes and then made up".[4]
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So, long story short, I wound up chatting with Ron Jeremy about his Ron de Jeremy rum and various other things related to his endorsements and/or his adult movie-making career. I also pitched him on (what I thought to be) a humorous and slightly phallic line of craft beer (including the likes of Long Dong Lager) which he thought was a terrible idea.
Ever wondered what happened to Herbie the Love Bug? Well, after his misadventures in Brazil, some flunky at Disney must have forgotten to file the trademark forms in time, because Herbie is back -- this time in full-bore bass-thumpin' fake-tits money-shot porn style. Apparently, after his heyday in the 60's, Herbie was sold to a struggling porno movie producer, and he bacame the staff car for the gang of appropriately wacky but lovable losers of Machu Pichu Productions.
Subplot #1 resolved, they head back to the studio. This being a sitcom, Lance and Mary start getting along again. This being pornography as well, they pull over at a rest stop for some anal action on Herbie's hood, as Herbie flashes his lights appreciatively. Subplot #2 resolved. Cue credits. I wonder if we'll get guest appearances by Harvey Korman and/or Don Knotts?
The first time I ever wrote about the big wide world of pornography, it was the mid-1980s and I was the "X-rated screen advisor" for the now-extinct Forum magazine. What a popular feature it was: I received enough letters to keep Miss Manners occupied for years. The questions ranged from "Who was that girl with the beautiful crossed green eyes who did the double penetration in a movie that started with an 'F'?" to "Can you recommend erotica for the very, very shy?" There was one question, though, that arrived in my mailbox almost every week: "I am a guy who would like to be in a porn movie. How do I get in?"
Thousands of women have starred on the erotic screen since hardcore debuted in the early 1970s, but in all that time, there are only about a dozen men who have appeared regularly in straight porn. Those who joined the scene in the early days had theatrical training and/or movie careers -- veteran porn stud/director/producer Paul Thomas still makes me smile when I see him playing John the Baptist in "Jesus Christ Superstar."
One thing, however, has changed the porn entrance exam for the average guy. In today's amateur video boom, where anyone with a camcorder could be taping the next top-10 video, the easiest way to get into a porn movie is to make it yourself.
The final way to land a job as a porn actor is by pure dumb luck, which is exactly what happened a month ago to an ex-lover and good pal of mine. Jack has never done more than daydream about being a porn stud -- and for that matter, he's daydreamed about being a fireman and the president, too. But Jack got invited by Shar Rednour and Jackie Strano, mutual friends, to perform in a new couples-oriented porn movie they're directing next weekend (it's called "Bend Over Boyfriend 2"), and he accepted on the spot. He'll play a doting, romantic husband, and he and his on-screen "wife" will take turns fucking each other. It's almost like Tom and Nicole!
Jack, meanwhile, feels fine about his penis, but is a little worried about everything else. "Whoever heard of a 35-year-old man making his porn movie debut?" he asked me, looking a little dazed. "In the beginning I said 'yes' right away, because it was like someone asking, 'Do you want to fly to Hawaii? Do you want to win a thousand dollars?' But now I wonder, what the hell am I doing?"
"It's the 'fore' part that's tricky," I said. "You're not pleading for redemption because you made a blue movie long ago. Whoever heard of PRE-demption? 'Oh, by the way, Boss, I'm going to be making a fuck film a few weeks from now.'"
We talked about the hard-on question too. Jack feels pretty relaxed about this. After all, it's only one time, a small, low-key production. What Jack doesn't know is how he'll get along with his scene partner, a professional named Chloe, who just won the female performer of the year award at a recent Oscar-style porn event. 2b1af7f3a8