Programming Windows
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There are several broad categories of Windows applications that you can create with C++. Each has its own programming model and set of Windows-specific libraries, but the C++ standard library and third-party C++ libraries can be used in any of them.
To get started with traditional Windows C++ programming, see Get Started with Win32 and C++. After you gain some understanding of Win32, it will be easier to learn about MFC Desktop Applications. For an example of a traditional C++ desktop application that uses sophisticated graphics, see Hilo: Developing C++ Applications for Windows.
In general, .NET programming in C# is less complex, less error-prone, and has a more modern object-oriented API than Win32 or MFC. In most cases, its performance is more than adequate. .NET features the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) for rich graphics, and you can consume both Win32 and the modern Windows Runtime API. As a general rule, we recommend using C++ for desktop applications when you require:
It's also possible to combine the power and efficiency of C++ with .NET programming. You can create a user interface in C# and use C++/CLI to enable the application to consume native C++ libraries. For more information, see .NET Programming with C++/CLI.
Many Windows programming scenarios also require the Windows SDK, which includes the header files that enable access to the Windows operating system components. By default, Visual Studio installs the Windows SDK as a component of the C++ Desktop workload, which enables development of Universal Windows apps. To develop UWP apps, you need a Windows 10 or later version of the Windows SDK. For more information, and a download link, see Windows SDK. (For more information about the Windows SDKs for earlier versions of Windows, see the Windows SDK archive).
This book aims to be a comprehensive source for any developer who is interested in programming for the Windows platform. It starts at the lowest level, with the Win32 API (C and VB Classic) and then goes over to MFC (C++). Beyond these basic sections, it will cover COM, and the creation of ActiveX modules from a variety of languages. Next, it delves into the Windows DDK, and talk about programming device drivers for Windows platform. Finally, it moves on to the highest-level programming tasks, including shell extensions, shell scripting, and finally ASP and WSH.
This book will focus on topics that are specific to Windows, and avoids general programming topics. For related material the reader is encouraged to look into Wikibooks other works, they will cover general programming, ASM, C, C++, Visual Basic and Visual Basic.NET and other languages and concepts in greater detail. Appropriate links to these books are provided.
He graduated with a Master of Science in Mathematics from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1975. Aside from writing books about Windows programming he has contributed to various magazines about computers.
He had an interest in electronic music and in 1977 started building electronic music instruments out of CMOS chips. In 1979, Petzold started building a computer-controlled digital electronic music synthesizer based on the Zilog Z80 microprocessor.[3] This experience of digital circuitry and assembly language programming formed the basis of his book Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software.
Microsoft then decided that Microsoft Systems Journal would cover both DOS and Windows programming. Jonathan Lazarus, who contracted with Microsoft, recruited Petzold to write some articles.[3] Petzold wrote the article A Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your First Windows Application" for MSJ, Vol.1, No. 2 (December 1986) which he believes was the first article about Windows programming to appear in a magazine.[3]
When you create a new database, you typically begin by creating several database objects such as tables, forms, and reports. Eventually, you reach a point where you have to add some programming to automate certain processes and tie your database objects together. This article helps orient you to the programming tools in Access.
In Access, programming is the process of adding functionality to your database by using Access macros or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code. For example, suppose that you have created a form and a report, and you want to add a command button to the form that, when clicked, opens the report. Programming, in this case, is the process of creating a macro or VBA procedure and then setting the command button's OnClick event property so that clicking the command button runs the macro or procedure. For a simple operation, such as opening a report, you can use the Command Button Wizard to do all the work, or you can turn off the wizard and do the programming yourself.
Objects (such as forms and reports) and controls (such as command buttons and text boxes) have various event properties to which you can attach macros or procedures. Each event property is associated with a specific event, such as clicking the mouse, opening a form, or modifying data in a text box. Events can also be triggered by factors outside of Access, such as system events, or by macros or procedures that are attached to other events. Your database can get complex if you add many macros or procedures to several event properties of many objects, but in most cases, you can achieve the results that you want by using very little programming.
The decision to use macros, VBA, or both depends primarily on how you plan to deploy or distribute the database. For example, if the database is stored on your computer and you are the sole user, and if you are comfortable using VBA code, you might decide to use VBA to perform most of your programming tasks. However, if you intend to share your database with other people by locating it on a file server, you might want to avoid using VBA for security considerations.
You should base your decision to use either macros or VBA code on two concerns: security and the functionality that you want. Security is an issue because VBA can be used to create code that either compromises the security of your data or can harm files on your computer. When you use a database that was created by someone other than yourself, you should enable VBA code only if you know the database comes from a trustworthy source. When you create a database that will be used by other people, you should try to avoid including programming tools that require the user to specifically grant trusted status to the database. General techniques for avoiding the need for users to trust your database come later in this section.
To help ensure the security of your database, you should try to use macros when you can and use VBA programming only for operations that cannot be performed by using macro actions. Furthermore, you should try to use only macro actions that don't require granting trusted status to the database in order to run. Limiting the use of macro actions in this manner lets users to be confident that the database has no programming that could harm the data or other files on their computers.
Macros provide an easy way to handle many programming tasks, such as opening and closing forms and running reports. You can quickly and easily tie together the database objects (forms, reports, and so on) that you have created because there is little syntax that you must remember. The arguments for each action are displayed in the Macro Builder.
If you are adding a command button to a form, the Command Button Wizard can help you get started with programming. The wizard helps you create a command button that performs a specific task. In an Access (.accdb) file, the wizard creates a macro that is embedded in the OnClick property of the command button. In an .mdb or .adp file, the wizard creates VBA code, because embedded macros are not available in those file formats. In either case, you can then modify or enhance the macro or VBA code to better suit your needs.
It is helpful to think of Access macros as a simplified programming language in which you create code by building a list of actions to perform. When you build a macro, you select each action from a drop-down list and then fill in the required information for each action. Macros enable you to add functionality to forms, reports, and controls without writing code in a VBA module. Macros provide a subset of the commands that are available in VBA, and most people find it easier to build a macro than to write VBA code.
A quick way to get started with VBA programming is to first build an Access macro and then convert it to VBA code. Instructions for doing this are included in the section Convert macros to VBA code. This feature creates a new VBA module that performs the equivalent operations in the macro. It also opens the Visual Basic Editor so that you can start modifying the procedure. When you are working in the Visual Basic Editor, you can click keywords and press F1 to start Access Developer Help and learn more about each keyword. You can then explore Access Developer Help and discover new commands to help you perform the programming tasks that you want.
You now know the basic steps to add VBA code to your database. This article describes only the basics of how to get started; there are many excellent reference books and online resources that can help you build your programming skills.
You can now use your EV3 Brick and Visual Studio Code to unleash the power of Python programming using MicroPython. Simply install the EV3 MicroPython image onto any micro SD card and boot up your EV3 Brick from it to start programming straight away. Switching back to the standard LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 firmware is just as simple. We have also provided full documentation and sample API code to get you started.
Here this function CreateWindowExp is used for creating a new instance of a window class for many manipulations where the parameters have different levels of significance starting from the class name, windows text, default variables for positioning and sizing giving NULL values and instances then making createWindowexp for registering the instances if it becomes Null then it will return the value. 2b1af7f3a8