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Most of the Minimal Wave bands recorded in their home studios and created their own album artwork, which naturally paved the way for a DIY aesthetic to emerge. Generally, the musicians were influenced by avant-garde movements such as futurism and constructivism, as well as by the literature of science fiction and existentialism. They had an innovative approach to music-making that was less polished than the music in the mainstream charts during the same time period.
At this point it is well to note that it may be preferable in some instances where small files are concerned to use only a portion of the classification formula in the filing sequence. In such cases, only those parts of the filing sequence which are necessary should be used along with the final and key.
Each ridge of the fingers, palms, and soles bears a row of sweat pores which in the average person constantly exude perspiration. Also, the ridges of the fingers and palms are in intermittent contact with other parts of the body, such as the hair and face, and with various objects, which may leave a film of grease or moisture on the ridges. In touching an object, the film of moisture and/or grease may be transferred to the object, thus leaving an outline of the ridges of the fingers or palm thereon. This print is called a latent impression, the word \"latent\" meaning hidden, that is, the print many times is not readily visible.
Material for making the iodine gun, as well as iodine crystals, may be procured from a chemical supply house or through a druggist. The gun itself consists essentially of two parts. One tube (the end of the gun through which the breath is blown) contains a drying agent such as calcium chloride, to remove moisture from the breath. Without this, the[Pg 178] moisture from the breath and saliva would condense at the end of the gun, drip onto the specimen and cause stains which might prove indelible. The second tube contains a small amount of iodine crystals which are vaporized by the heat of the breath, augmented by the warmth of the hand cupped around the tube containing the iodine. This vapor is blown onto the specimen (fig. 420). Glass wool serves to hold the calcium chloride and iodine in place.
In testifying to fingerprint identification, the expert often prepares charts to visually aid the court and jury in understanding the nature of his testimony. Many times it is undoubtedly difficult for the layman to perceive, from a vocal explanation alone, the full import of an expert's testimony, due to its technical nature; consequently, some graphic representation of the facts presented is amply justified and rewarded. The preparation of the charts is ultimately the sole responsibility of the expert using them. As a matter of interest to law enforcement personnel engaged in fingerprint work, a brief explanation of the preparation of such charts follows, along with suggestions and remarks based on long experience in these matters.
Aside from the photographic equipment, the needed materials are: a roll of scotch photographic tape 1 inch wide to outline the areas of the fingerprints on the negatives to be used; some stiff cardboard approximately 1/32 inch thick on which to mount the prepared charts; a tube of rubber cement; and a bottle of translucent ink, other than black or white.
A light-box on which to view the negatives while blocking, and a lettering set to draw the lines and numbers uniformly on the charts, while not absolutely essential, are helpful conveniences. A light-box is basically a frosted pane of glass with a light beneath it to produce soft, even, non-glaring illumination. If no light-box is available, a clear window may be utilized in \"blocking\" the negatives.
Likewise, presenting charts with the shapes of the characteristics drawn in the margin is not recommended. Individual ridge characteristics may vary slightly in actual shape or physical position due to twisting, pressure, incomplete inking, condition of latent print when developed, powder adhering to background, etc. Identifications are based on a number of characteristics viewed in a unit relationship and not on the microscopic appearances of single characteristics.
The charted enlargements are readily mounted on stiff cardboard with rubber cement, which may be purchased in small tubes. After cementing the photograph to the cardboard, it should be placed under a heavy flat object which will cover the entire surface until dry to prevent warping and wrinkling. After drying, trim the two enlargements to the same square size with heavy scissors, a pen knife or scalpel, and fasten them together, book-fashion, with strips of the photographic tape used in blocking the negatives. Of course, if charts are large, 20 to 36 inches square, mounting is unnecessary and they will have to be supported in the courtroom with thumbtacks or metal rings. 153554b96e