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Was it so fantastic a dream? In 1914 less than onehundred and seventy years had passed since the last civilwar in which Englishmen fought against Englishmen onBritish soil; now England was consolidated and uniform.Might there not soon be a time when Europe,disarmed and controlled by an international police,would be so far uniform and consolidated that war betweenany of its component states would be no less unthinkablethan war in England between Lancashire andCornwall? Until Ireland was driven to anarchy, thecommon conscience of Great Britain refused to toleratedisorder and free shooting; might there not be a timewhen the common conscience of Europe refused totolerate periodical massacres? In 1914, though perforcetheir grip slackened on the reforms nearer at hand,the souls of the young men were touched for a momentby the universal spirit. 2b1af7f3a8