Based on my almost complete lack of formal experience Email Database in the hospitality industry, I was sure nobody would hire me. Bam! Carrie nailed that negative thinking and assured me that my personality would take me where I wanted to go. Then she handed me the card for the Banquet Manager at one of the most well-known hotel chains in Whistler and said, "My Email Database boyfriend is a third-level sommelier... I'll tell him you'll give him a call next week." The following week, Mike gave me 45 minutes and a bucket of great advice for getting into the wine industry.
The doors appeared to be opening. The more I thought and talked about it, the more real it became. Eventually, I relaxed into the beauty of BC and the idea of Email Database another brave move (the previous one had been to South Korea for two years). My Email Database vacation week in Whistler ended and I went back to Kelowna, this time with a firm plan to move there and get involved in the wine industry in any way possible. Part II An idea germinates I arrived in the Okanagan Email Database on a Sunday night in mid-July, fresh off a 3-week vacation and inspired by the positive input of friends and family who thought my moving to Kelowna was "a great idea!"
In my rental car was my luggage and belongings for a Email Database vacation -- not enough stuff to last me for a work career or through the summer by any means. But here I was, daring to explore the possibilities that might lie ahead by looking for work in a city where I'd never lived, in an industry for which I was untrained but not entirely inexperienced. Hospitality Email Database and wine were both intimate acquaintances of mine: my childhood home came to be known as Simons' Slumber Lodge because of our frequent guests; and my wine journal was filling fast with labels and tasting notes.